|Full Movie| Pulp Fiction Watch Free
creators: Roger Avary
Average ratings: 9,3 of 10 Stars
country: USA
star: Samuel L. Jackson
Release Date: 1994
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You have to get the TV screen for a bit or you want to watch Pulp Fiction.
Don't need words for this title.
One of the best movies I've ever seen.
6:48 Love that reaction from Jules 😂.
Now I want a hamburger.
2:10 also starring Jerry Seinfeld.
You actually sold that to me. Although I think escape is also a big theme.
Ahh man I shot Marvin in the face.
I can smell JT's feet.
Im surprised they let you use the actual name for the scene lmao.
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Back in the day when a movie trailers are sucks but the movies aren't. Me, watching in 1994 : Aah, I missed the 50's Me, watching in 2019 : Aah, I missed the 90's.
Oh man I shot marvin in the face. This scene makes me hungry every damn time. Last time I watched Pulp Fiction stoned this made me go to McDonalds and order Royal Deluxe with FOUR extra cheese slices.
This is gonna be my wedding dance
Get movie master.
Clearly Tarantino has no border when it comes to violent, but in this movie he shows us that beside all the blood and gore, we stand before a director who can think of such colorful Characters, a wonderful writer, every scene is action-packed, with great phrases that will be embed in pop culture for a long, long time, a wonderful soundtrack.
The plot is difficult to follow but after you watch the movie a few times, you will become a Tarantino addict. The actors are great, Travolta shows us that he is more than a pretty face and dancer, Samuel l. Jackson proves that he can do more than small parts like in Jurassic park, Bruce Willis show us that he is a real action movies god, and we see that Tim Roth, well is Tim Roth and in this movie he can do more than lie down the entire movie.
One thing that i loved in the movie is the "SUITCASE" no one' not even Tarantino, knows what there is in the suitcase, i've heard many opinions about the content of this suitcase, and every opinion is crazier than the other, the only clues we have about the content of this black suitcase is a strange glow coming out of it and the combination for it "666" the devil's number
this movie look, sound and feels great, this movie is recommended for every one who want a classic action movie.
Jerry Seinfeld has horrible aim. Pulp fictions funniest moments proceeds to publish entire movie. This is the actual way Tarantino talks in real life. I like to imagine that this scene takes place after the events of the film, the deer hunter and that pulp fiction is a semi sequel to that film😄. Tarantino is ok as an actor. Really good at emoting with his voice, not so much his face. Available in putlocker quality. If you like to watch Pulp Fiction online, please share your opinion, you can do right now without registration. Watch it. i was like you, i never knew what the hype was about, then i watched it and wooow. One of the funniest scenes is missing. right before Vincent is shooting the adrenaline in Mia's heart is pretty funny with all these people running around and screaming searching for a god damn medical book no one needs anyway.
2:45 That look in SLJ's eyes while he's slurping down every bit of Brett's Sprite is priceless.
You flock of seagulls.
Holy shit there are comments.
All of these videos are great.
Wrist and put it in an ol' coffee. What's really messed up is that he eats Bret's last meal. Royaaaaaal wid cheeeeeese - Vincent vega. When you done watching this, you'll know it's been a while since you've seen a great movie. 2:09 Die you mother. 2:25 yeah It's big brain time. It's been ten hours and there's just a black screen. Am I watching the right movie.
I think that Quentin Tarantino is one the best directors in hollywood. But he let me down with this movie. The first time I saw it, I left the theatre after 10 minutes. Than so many people said that it was great movie, I went again and saw the whole movie. And I still think it's bad movie.
In thru out the movie Travolta, the most overrated actor alive, is sweating ten litres of sweat an hour and that for a "cool" guy. John's acting can't even be compensated by the always great Mr. Jackson and Uma Thurman. When Travolta is saying the f-word, it has the same impact as when your grandmother of 89 years old is saying the f-word. Iam not a fan of Bruce Willis, but in this movie he is really good. The camera action is, as always with Tarantino, excellent.
But with the script Iam really disappointed. It lacks that extra thing that Taratino can give. The script feels like it consists of leftover stories, and I don't mean the three main stories(Travolta&Jackson, Willis and RothPlummer. Making the story a house of cards.
Pleasant viewing. I was just thinking about how thrilling it was to see this trailer on the screen at my local multiplex back in the 90s, just disrupting everything.
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